Thrive – A Blog by MooreCo

What Does Research Say About Flexible Seating in Schools?

Written by MooreCo Inc | Oct 2, 2024 6:00:00 PM

It's widely known that students benefit from schools swapping out desks with more comfortable seating arrangements. But what are the experts saying? 

At MooreCo, we believe that thoughtfully designed products can help students make monumental leaps in six essential areas of their development. Our Thrive Philosophy is based on expert research into the physical, intellectual, psychological, social-emotional, spiritual, and moral needs of students and how our products help met those needs.

In this blog, we'll review what educational experts are saying about flexible seating, particularly all foam soft seating, and how it benefits today's learners. 

Why is flexible seating beneficial to students?

All Foam Soft Seating is the newest addition to our inclusive, versatile, adaptable line of products. Presented in three collections, all foam soft seating is not just about comfort and playfulness, it’s about creating an environment that meets each student where they are developmentally and helps them discover their ideal position for learning.

Why should students have comfy chairs? We worked with industry experts in six distinctive developmental areas to establish our Thrive Philosophy. Based on this research, we've outlined some of the benefits of soft seating  and how it meets specific developmental needs for students to help them thrive. 

Meet Students' Intellectual Needs

Movement ignites areas of the brain that improves cognitive function. Portable seating in inventive shapes supports different learning styles and creates a stimulating environment full of imagination, curiosity, and abstract thinking.

Meet Students' Physical Needs

Adaptable, moveable seating accommodates the different physical needs of a diverse group of students. Students can find a position that feels comfortable and benefit from adding movement to their day.

Meet Students' Psychological Needs

An adaptable learning environment gives students a sense of control and autonomy over their space, nurtures their well-being, and cultivates a sense of safety and belonging. Freedom to create a learning environment that fits their personal comfort reduces stress and enhances focus.

Meet Students' Social-Emotional Needs

Flexible learning environments encourage cooperation and collaboration and create an inviting space to explore and connect. Lightweight, moveable furnishings provide opportunities to strengthen communication skills and team building.

Meet Students' Spiritual Needs

A nurturing, tranquil space where students are physically and mentally supported fosters personal growth and a deeper sense of purpose. Students who have opportunities for internal reflection and emotional exploration are more resilient and better equipped for facing challenges.

Meet Students' Moral Needs

Environments that encourage collaborative seating and interaction fosters sharing, inclusivity, and mutual respect amongst peers. By encouraging playful, productive engagement, students learn about one another and develop empathy, cooperation, and community.

What Does Research Say About Flexible Seating?

Countless studies have been conducted to pinpoint what helps student process, retain, and apply information they learn in school. We know that fixed seating doesn't work for the majority of students and even if students can stay focused in fixed seating, it's usually for only a short time.

Edutopia interviewed schools who implemented student-chosen, flexible seating and reports:

  • Improved grades
  • Happier, more engaged students
  • More students participating in invigorating conversations

Students as young as 5 or 6 were able to identify and explain why they chose their seat. One kindergartener discovered she was a belly reader. When her class transitioned to reading activities, she moved to the floor where she was more comfortable. Krishan, a seventh grader, explains, "Since [our teacher] lets us choose, we ultimately choose what's best for us. We work better together and individually."

Reading specialist at The Reading Roundup asks parents and teachers, "Where do you read when you're relaxing at home with a new book?" Most likely you're not sitting at the kitchen table in a ridged chair. Why do we expect students to sit formally at a table and chair during independent reading or working time? Her dedicated reading nook, full of different comfortable seating options, is so popular students stop by asking for more reading time!

Teachers are so convinced that flexible seating gives their students the optimum learning environment, they hand make seat pads, floor pads, and other soft seating options. Let MooreCo help you give your teachers the durable, sturdy, safe soft seating options they want in fun, engaging shapes with our three new all foam collections. 

How to Add Flexible Seating Options to Your Classroom 

MooreCo's three new lines of lightweight, durable, All Foam Soft Seating encourages choice and fosters autonomy, allowing students and teachers to create personal spaces or collaborative breakout spaces. Students become agents in their learning and begin to place value on their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Let MooreCo help you meet the needs of your students with flexible seating!

Create a welcoming, comfortable atmosphere, encourage community and cooperation, improve the emotional well-being of students, and increase focus, productivity, and positivity with MooreCo’s three new lines of foam seating