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Introducing Phoeby: Weather-Resistant Outdoor Soft Seating for K-12 Schools, Colleges, and Offices

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jul 5, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Open Air. Open Minds. Open Doors.

Phoeby is a truly unique line of indoor/outdoor modular soft seating inspired by the remarkable adaptability of amphibians. Just as amphibians effortlessly move between aquatic and terrestrial environments, Phoeby effortlessly blurs the boundaries between indoor comfort and outdoor freedom, revolutionizing the way users connect with nature and improve their mental health and well-being.

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Topics: Active Learning, Human Development, Active Classroom, New Products, Well-being, Thrive, Higher Education, mental health, sensory needs, Experiential Learning, outdoor

Flexible Classrooms: Create a Learning Environment for Everyone in Time for Back to School

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jun 27, 2024 10:15:00 AM

Back to school is fast approaching and it's the perfect time to optimize your learning spaces so every student has the tools they need to succeed! The key to creating a space that meets the needs of a diverse set of students is flexibility. But just like your students, this can be a little complicated! 

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Topics: Collaboration, Active Learning, Human Development, Active Classroom, Back-to-school, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Well-being, Thrive, mental health, sensory needs, Experiential Learning, Learning Styles

Designing Environments for the Physical and Sensory Needs of Gen Z

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 20, 2022 3:08:45 PM

During our Thrive Webinar, we had the chance to speak with Dr. Lisa Harris of Healthworks Ergonomics, who taught us the importance of sensory and physical experiences that Gen Z has in the classroom and the workspace. “People are more often now considering sensory needs to be just as important as physical needs,” Dr. Harris said. “There is a lot that goes into creating an environment that brings out a physical response in your body.” The Akt family of furniture is specifically designed in response to physical and sensory needs that Gen Z is experiencing. Akt Tables reduce contact stress, Akt Chairs promote good posture, and Akt Lounge seating guarantees a cleaner environment, all with the goal of creating sensory-friendly environments that also support physical wellness for Gen Z as they further their education and enter the workforce. 

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Topics: Collaboration, Active Learning, Human Development, Active Classroom, Clean Living, Technology, Well-being, sensory needs

How to Prioritize Social-Emotional Mental Health in the Classroom as Students Go Back to School

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jul 26, 2022 10:52:28 AM

Students have had to undergo a seemingly endless string of stressful events over the last few years. Between an increase in school violence and a global pandemic that resulted in learning loss and cancelled social gatherings, students are under a lot of pressure to make up for lost time. That catch-up feeling has created a lot of anxiety, inequity, and isolation, so it is more important now than ever for students to know that they are not going through this alone. Prioritizing social-emotional learning and mental health as students go back to school is vital in shaping a more empathetic, inclusive, and safe classroom environment. MooreCo can help build a classroom environment that’s unique to your school and makes use of welcoming design aspects.  

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Topics: Covid-19, Back-to-school, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Well-being, Thrive, mental health, Educators

How Can We Prioritize Mental Health in Gen Z Classrooms?

Posted by MooreCo Inc on May 12, 2022 12:54:11 PM

How Can We Prioritize Mental Health in Gen Z Classrooms?

At the tail-end of a two-year-long global pandemic, students are under more stress than ever before. The pandemic alone has massively affected their mental health as students make the switch to remote learning and continue schoolwork under these conditions. Not only were they forced to consider their futures while they were simultaneously unsure what the future held, but students also identified other global issues that had an impact on their mental health in the latest APA Stress in America Survey. Students today are stressed over issues like discrimination and harassment, the separation and deportation of migrant and immigrant families, mass shootings, political climate, hunger or food insecurities, work, and money, to name a few.  

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Topics: Covid-19, Well-being, mental health, Educators

8 Ways to Stay Mighty

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Feb 28, 2022 5:34:15 PM

8 Ways to Stay Mighty

MooreCo has been committed to providing environments where people can thrive for over 3 decades. But what does it mean to thrive? Once all of our survival needs are met (safety, food, shelter, water), we can focus on the higher range of needs. Hierarchy by MooreCo was inspired by Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs. We imagined a world where students were not only stimulated, but supported, encouraged, and set up to succeed in all their learning endeavors. 

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Topics: Design, Active Learning, Active Classroom, Designer's Corner, hybrid classroom, Teacher's Favorites, Well-being, Educators

Why You Should Choose Glass for Your Class

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Feb 10, 2022 11:17:06 AM

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Active Learning, Active Classroom, Teacher's Favorites, Well-being, Educators

A Note of Gratitude for 2021 from MooreCo CEO Greg Moore

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Dec 7, 2021 3:59:18 PM

A Note of Gratitude for 2021 from MooreCo CEO Greg Moore

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Topics: Case Studies, Active Classroom, MooreCo Workplace, Well-being, holiday

The Four Corners of Harmonious Classroom Design

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jun 30, 2021 1:16:34 PM

The Four Corners of Harmonious Classroom Design

“To slow time down, practice enjoying the moment. It is where we spend our entire lives.” This wisdom from the I Ching describes an ideal way to live by slowing down. In the digital age, however, it’s getting more and more difficult to take this sage advice. Because of the pandemic, we are even more devoted to time spent on our devices, staring at screens with fast-paced minds. Among students, this trend has had some negative consequences. Adolescents and young adults (known as Gen Z) are struggling with mental health more than previous generations. When students return to school this fall, it will be important to consider their mental, physical, and emotional health. But educators, parents, and school designers would be remiss to discount the benefits of considering students’ spiritual development when creating spaces and schedules for student health. This doesn’t mean subscribing to a certain system of belief. It can be as simple as integrating space for silence, breathing, and reflection.

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Topics: Design, Human Development, Active Classroom, Designer's Corner, Clean Living, Expert Analysis, New Products, Well-being, Thrive, Educators

Technology and the Renaissance of Education

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jun 15, 2021 2:39:15 PM

Technology and the Renaissance of Education

A new era of education may be coming for American teachers and students. With ESSER funding now available for schools across the country, each institution and district will assess what is to help students succeed in a post-pandemic world. Unfortunately, learning loss caused by the pandemic may have a ripple effect that lasts years. McKinsey & Company put out findings that state that learning loss from the pandemic disproportionately affects students of color. In order to even the playing field and create equity among students, the learning gap must be closed.

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Technology, Covid-19, Back-to-school, i3sixty, Compass, Well-being