Innovative Ways to Use All Foam Soft Seating in Classrooms, Libraries, and Common Areas
Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 11, 2024 1:00:00 PM
All Foam Soft Seating is the newest addition to MooreCo's inclusive, versatile, adaptable line of products. Presented in three collections, all foam soft seating is not just about comfort and playfulness, it’s about creating an environment that meets each student where they are developmentally and helps them discover their ideal position for learning.
Read MoreTopics: Design, Active Learning, Human Development, Active Classroom, Back-to-school, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Teacher's Favorites, New Products, Well-being, Thrive, mental health, sensory needs, Special Education, Learning Styles, Media Centers, foam seating
It's widely known that students benefit from schools swapping out desks with more comfortable seating arrangements. Adaptive, mobile, foam soft seating is the ultimate tool for creating a flexible, inclusive, active-learning environment. MooreCo's three new lines of lightweight, durable, All Foam Soft Seating encourages choice and fosters autonomy, allowing students and teachers to create personal spaces or collaborative breakout spaces. Students become agents in their learning and begin to place value on their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Let MooreCo help you meet the needs of your students with flexible seating!
Topics: Design, Active Learning, Human Development, Active Classroom, Back-to-school, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Teacher's Favorites, New Products, Well-being, Thrive, mental health, sensory needs, Special Education, Learning Styles, Media Centers, foam seating
Introducing Phoeby: Weather-Resistant Outdoor Soft Seating for K-12 Schools, Colleges, and Offices
Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jul 5, 2024 11:00:00 AM
Open Air. Open Minds. Open Doors.
Phoeby is a truly unique line of indoor/outdoor modular soft seating inspired by the remarkable adaptability of amphibians. Just as amphibians effortlessly move between aquatic and terrestrial environments, Phoeby effortlessly blurs the boundaries between indoor comfort and outdoor freedom, revolutionizing the way users connect with nature and improve their mental health and well-being.
Topics: Active Learning, Human Development, Active Classroom, New Products, Well-being, Thrive, Higher Education, mental health, sensory needs, Experiential Learning, outdoor
Get to Know Gen Z: Recapping Thrive Session 1 with Mark Beal
Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 6, 2022 1:22:08 PM
Generation Z is emerging from a pandemic that occurred during their most formative years. Many Gen Z students were unable to attend their high school or college graduations, forced into remote education at a time when their learning journey was most essential. The result is a mixture of physical and mental health awareness, an emphasis on community, and a generation that deeply cares about the future of our world. Our Akt line of tables, chairs, and soft seating was designed intentionally to support these priorities. Gen Z expects sanitation and cleanliness post pandemic, so with this in mind, our soft seating was designed with added spacers on the seats and raised legs to make it all easy to clean. They prioritize collaboration and flexibility, which is why Akt tables were made in multiple heights with broad spaces and are easy to move. The chairs stack to easily configure and reconfigure a space with the speed that Gen Zers are used to. Whether in the classroom, the workspace, or beyond, the Akt line was designed to create active, kinetic, and tectonic spaces where Gen Z is encouraged to thrive.
Read MoreTopics: Learn from Home, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, MooreCo Workplace, New Products, Higher Education, generation z, Educators
Topics: Insider, Collaboration, Human Development, Designer's Corner, hybrid classroom, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Expert Analysis, New Products, Ergonomics, Thrive, Higher Education
The Four Corners of Harmonious Classroom Design
“To slow time down, practice enjoying the moment. It is where we spend our entire lives.” This wisdom from the I Ching describes an ideal way to live by slowing down. In the digital age, however, it’s getting more and more difficult to take this sage advice. Because of the pandemic, we are even more devoted to time spent on our devices, staring at screens with fast-paced minds. Among students, this trend has had some negative consequences. Adolescents and young adults (known as Gen Z) are struggling with mental health more than previous generations. When students return to school this fall, it will be important to consider their mental, physical, and emotional health. But educators, parents, and school designers would be remiss to discount the benefits of considering students’ spiritual development when creating spaces and schedules for student health. This doesn’t mean subscribing to a certain system of belief. It can be as simple as integrating space for silence, breathing, and reflection.
Read MoreTopics: Design, Human Development, Active Classroom, Designer's Corner, Clean Living, Expert Analysis, New Products, Well-being, Thrive, Educators
How Air Quality Monitors Create Safer Environments
"Breathe easy" is a phrase we used to rely on to remind each other to relax and take a moment of peace. But few of us have been "breathing easy" since COVID-19 came to the U.S. one year ago. Since that time, we've been carefully isolating, keeping our distance from others, and wearing face coverings to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. Even as Americans are getting vaccinated, it's more important than ever to slow the spread of COVID-19 until we've reached herd immunity. But there may be an additional piece to the prevention puzzle that will help schools and business get back to breathing easier sooner.
Read MoreTopics: Insider, Healthcare, Clean Living, Covid-19, MooreCo Workplace, New Products, Well-being
Topics: Teacher's Favorites, New Products, Ergonomics, Educators