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How to Incorporate CTE and Experiential Learning into Educational and Professional Workspaces

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Oct 10, 2022 3:50:56 PM

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is not a new concept, but it has yet to be widely explored in all career fields and realms. The process of experiential learning, or learning by doing, is prevalent in medical programs, artistic endeavors, and internships, to name a few, better equipping Gen Z students to embark on the career path they are seeking. MooreCo is ready to prioritize CTE and design spaces that are well-equipped for experiential learning. When CTE environments are designed with Compass Makerspace Tables and Compass Cabinets at the helm, Gen Z students have ample room to keep all necessary tools nearby as they explore group and individual projects. Compass Cabinets and Makerspace Tables inspire Gen Z students to think bigger, get their hands dirty, and create something new.  

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Human Development, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, MooreCo Workplace, Compass, Higher Education, CTE, Experiential Learning

Active. Kinetic. Tectonic. What does our Akt philosophy mean for Gen Z and how we design?

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 28, 2022 1:20:36 PM

Akt by MooreCo is a family of tables, chairs and soft seating designed for Gen Z. We designed Akt with intention of creating pieces that are active, kinetic, and tectonic, key ingredients that Gen Z needs in order to thrive. Akt was designed to morph, reinvent, and transform itself allowing users to feel they are in control while they move in, through and with the space they are in. Conceived under our Thrive philosophy, which focuses on the six key facets of human development from adolescence and into the workforce, the Akt collection puts the spotlight on soft seating and surfaces that are active, kinetic, and tectonic.

Akt: Active. Kinetic. Tectonic

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Active Classroom, MooreCo Workplace, Thrive, Akt, Educators

Get to Know Gen Z: Recapping Thrive Session 1 with Mark Beal

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 6, 2022 1:22:08 PM

Generation Z is emerging from a pandemic that occurred during their most formative years. Many Gen Z students were unable to attend their high school or college graduations, forced into remote education at a time when their learning journey was most essential. The result is a mixture of physical and mental health awareness, an emphasis on community, and a generation that deeply cares about the future of our world. Our Akt line of tables, chairs, and soft seating was designed intentionally to support these priorities. Gen Z expects sanitation and cleanliness post pandemic, so with this in mind, our soft seating was designed with added spacers on the seats and raised legs to make it all easy to clean. They prioritize collaboration and flexibility, which is why Akt tables were made in multiple heights with broad spaces and are easy to move. The chairs stack to easily configure and reconfigure a space with the speed that Gen Zers are used to. Whether in the classroom, the workspace, or beyond, the Akt line was designed to create active, kinetic, and tectonic spaces where Gen Z is encouraged to thrive. 

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Topics: Learn from Home, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, MooreCo Workplace, New Products, Higher Education, generation z, Educators

A Note of Gratitude for 2021 from MooreCo CEO Greg Moore

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Dec 7, 2021 3:59:18 PM

A Note of Gratitude for 2021 from MooreCo CEO Greg Moore

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Topics: Case Studies, Active Classroom, MooreCo Workplace, Well-being, holiday

How to Prevent Workplace Injuries and Improve Student Focus in 3 Easy Steps

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Apr 22, 2021 2:42:55 PM

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Topics: Design, Human Development, Active Classroom, hybrid classroom, MooreCo Workplace, Teacher's Favorites, Ergonomics, Well-being

6 Considerations for Space Design in a Post-Pandemic World

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Apr 15, 2021 2:31:51 PM

6 Considerations for Space Design in a Post-Pandemic World

In the 1920s, the United States experienced a modern renaissance. An era of economic prosperity, burgeoning art, societal change, and scientific discoveries occurred throughout this decade. There was a boom of energy, hope, and optimism. What had happened just before this decade will resonate with many today. The global pandemic brought on by the Spanish Flu killed over 600,000 Americans. It was a time of sadness, fear, and trial. But what followed was a time we still think of as a new era.

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Topics: Insider, Design, Human Development, Active Classroom, Designer's Corner, MooreCo Workplace, Ergonomics, Thrive

How Air Quality Monitors Create Safer Environments

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Feb 8, 2021 9:00:00 AM

How Air Quality Monitors Create Safer Environments

"Breathe easy" is a phrase we used to rely on to remind each other to relax and take a moment of peace. But few of us have been "breathing easy" since COVID-19 came to the U.S. one year ago. Since that time, we've been carefully isolating, keeping our distance from others, and wearing face coverings to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. Even as Americans are getting vaccinated, it's more important than ever to slow the spread of COVID-19 until we've reached herd immunity. But there may be an additional piece to the prevention puzzle that will help schools and business get back to breathing easier sooner.

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Topics: Insider, Healthcare, Clean Living, Covid-19, MooreCo Workplace, New Products, Well-being

Reasons to Remake Your Space with Glass

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Nov 20, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Reasons to Remake Your Space with Glass

The late Johnny Nash wrote and sung the words, "I can see clearly now. The rain is gone."  With many workers and students having spent time at home, it's important to make sure the spaces they return to will feel comfortable and highly functional. If you're looking for ways to remake your space with style, high performance glass walls and boards will add a touch of sophistication, while creating improved communication and reflective brightness for everyone to enjoy.

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Topics: Design, MooreCo Workplace