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Flexible Classrooms: Create a Learning Environment for Everyone in Time for Back to School

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jun 27, 2024 10:15:00 AM

Back to school is fast approaching and it's the perfect time to optimize your learning spaces so every student has the tools they need to succeed! The key to creating a space that meets the needs of a diverse set of students is flexibility. But just like your students, this can be a little complicated! 

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Topics: Collaboration, Active Learning, Human Development, Active Classroom, Back-to-school, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Well-being, Thrive, mental health, sensory needs, Experiential Learning, Learning Styles

Meet Inklüd. Cultivate Inclusivity and Encourage Autonomy with New Family of Multi-Use Tables

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Nov 17, 2023 12:30:00 PM


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Topics: Collaboration, Active Learning, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Higher Education, Learning Styles

Designing Inclusive, Calming, and Colorful Classroom Spaces for Special Education Students

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Feb 6, 2023 3:39:00 PM

Designing Inclusive, Calming, and Colorful Classroom Spaces for Special Education Students

MooreCo specializes in creating educational and professional environments that are suited to every learning style and background, empowering all students and workers to thrive. No student group is more diverse than special education students. With a variety of physical and sensory needs and experiences, special education students deserve to learn within a classroom that fully accommodates them. Per the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) of 1990, special education students are legally entitled to a “free and appropriate education” in the “least restrictive environment,” one that allows them to move, create, absorb information, and thrive in the learning process. MooreCo is committed to developing these special education spaces so that students with various learning abilities have the same access to a safe and welcoming classroom environment. Giving special education students the freedom to move and create in a sound-sensitive classroom with easy access to the outdoors, surrounded by faculty who are knowledgeable and prepared is the ultimate goal.  

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Topics: Color, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, sensory needs, Special Education, Educators

5 Things Gen Z Values That Should Drive Classroom and Workplace Design in 2023

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jan 20, 2023 2:04:40 PM

From a flexible environment that allows them to shape their own workspace, to immersing themselves in communities that reflect who they are, Generation Z is revolutionizing the way we construct educational and professional spaces. Gen Z is a generation that deeply cares, and they want the places where they learn and work to share those same values. They deserve ergonomic furniture that assists in curating those environments.  

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Active Classroom, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, generation z, CTE

How to Incorporate CTE and Experiential Learning into Educational and Professional Workspaces

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Oct 10, 2022 3:50:56 PM

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is not a new concept, but it has yet to be widely explored in all career fields and realms. The process of experiential learning, or learning by doing, is prevalent in medical programs, artistic endeavors, and internships, to name a few, better equipping Gen Z students to embark on the career path they are seeking. MooreCo is ready to prioritize CTE and design spaces that are well-equipped for experiential learning. When CTE environments are designed with Compass Makerspace Tables and Compass Cabinets at the helm, Gen Z students have ample room to keep all necessary tools nearby as they explore group and individual projects. Compass Cabinets and Makerspace Tables inspire Gen Z students to think bigger, get their hands dirty, and create something new.  

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Human Development, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, MooreCo Workplace, Compass, Higher Education, CTE, Experiential Learning

How to Design Classrooms and Workspaces Based on What Gen Z Values Most

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 12, 2022 1:07:45 PM

Gen Z is already famous for doing things differently. At school, empathy is popular. As they enter the workforce, they put a higher emphasis on people than profits. They form tighter and more diverse communities than ever before, primarily because their generation is the most diverse than previous ones. Workplaces and schools should also emphasize diversity, equity, and inclusion in order to appeal to Gen Z. In the wake of a global pandemic and the reality of school shootings, Gen Z is very focused on their physical and mental wellbeing. Enter Akt: a family of furniture designed in response to these needs and takes into account Gen Z’s call to action. The Akt collection was created to facilitate change, support diverse communities, and can be configured to build collaborative workspaces where Gen Z feels mentally and physically safe.  

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Topics: Design, Active Classroom, Clean Living, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, mental health, generation z, Educators

Get to Know Gen Z: Recapping Thrive Session 1 with Mark Beal

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 6, 2022 1:22:08 PM

Generation Z is emerging from a pandemic that occurred during their most formative years. Many Gen Z students were unable to attend their high school or college graduations, forced into remote education at a time when their learning journey was most essential. The result is a mixture of physical and mental health awareness, an emphasis on community, and a generation that deeply cares about the future of our world. Our Akt line of tables, chairs, and soft seating was designed intentionally to support these priorities. Gen Z expects sanitation and cleanliness post pandemic, so with this in mind, our soft seating was designed with added spacers on the seats and raised legs to make it all easy to clean. They prioritize collaboration and flexibility, which is why Akt tables were made in multiple heights with broad spaces and are easy to move. The chairs stack to easily configure and reconfigure a space with the speed that Gen Zers are used to. Whether in the classroom, the workspace, or beyond, the Akt line was designed to create active, kinetic, and tectonic spaces where Gen Z is encouraged to thrive. 

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Topics: Learn from Home, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, MooreCo Workplace, New Products, Higher Education, generation z, Educators

How to Prioritize Social-Emotional Mental Health in the Classroom as Students Go Back to School

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jul 26, 2022 10:52:28 AM

Students have had to undergo a seemingly endless string of stressful events over the last few years. Between an increase in school violence and a global pandemic that resulted in learning loss and cancelled social gatherings, students are under a lot of pressure to make up for lost time. That catch-up feeling has created a lot of anxiety, inequity, and isolation, so it is more important now than ever for students to know that they are not going through this alone. Prioritizing social-emotional learning and mental health as students go back to school is vital in shaping a more empathetic, inclusive, and safe classroom environment. MooreCo can help build a classroom environment that’s unique to your school and makes use of welcoming design aspects.  

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Topics: Covid-19, Back-to-school, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Well-being, Thrive, mental health, Educators

Creating Intergenerational Classroom Environments

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jul 8, 2022 2:02:38 PM

How to Bridge the Generational Gap Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers

Classrooms have always been multigenerational, whether it’s an elementary school with a generational gap between the students and their teacher, or a college course that pulls in students across the generational spectrum. The way we learn varies from person to person, not to mention generation to generation, so the way we approach classroom design needs to accommodate these different education styles. 

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Topics: Learn from Home, hybrid classroom, remote, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, intergenerational classroom

Top Higher Ed Design Trends for 2022

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Dec 29, 2021 4:02:03 PM

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Topics: Insider, Collaboration, Human Development, Designer's Corner, hybrid classroom, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Expert Analysis, New Products, Ergonomics, Thrive, Higher Education