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7 Predictions on Going Back to School in A Post-Covid World

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Apr 24, 2020 4:50:59 PM

7 Predictions on Going Back to School in A Post-Covid World

The United States has been largely on lockdown for the last several weeks due to the global pandemic of Covid-19, causing schools and business to close temporarily. This has been done to slow the spread of the virus, and studies are showing  it's working. The good news is that soon we’ll be able to resume daily activities like working and learning. But life won’t be exactly like it was, at least not for a while.

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Topics: Collaboration, Human Development, Active Classroom, Clean Living, Covid-19

5 Helpful Lessons for Teaching Remotely

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Apr 16, 2020 2:31:25 PM

5 Helpful Lessons for Teaching Remotely

If you’re making a transition to online learning because of Covid-19, you aren’t alone. Students around the world are learning from home with the assistance of teachers and parents. It’s a team effort to help kids stay engaged in their education through these changing circumstances. With heightened emotions, distractions, and new routines, it can be difficult for students to establish a good work ethic for remote learning. But it’s not impossible. New online learning tools are available to improve interactions at a distance and facilitate online learning.

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Topics: Case Studies, Active Learning, Human Development, Learn from Home, Technology

Parents Share the "Joys" of Remote Learning

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Apr 8, 2020 2:07:48 PM

Parents Share the "Joys" of Remote Learning

The struggle is real! Parents who are now in charge of their children’s education are feeling the stress, joy, and hilarity of trying to be the teacher’s assistant. It’s no easy task! We talked to real parents about the everyday problems that come with social distancing and trying to teach their kids at home, and we just may have a few ideas for how to help. Learn from these parent’s stories to find a solution that works for your family.

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Topics: Active Learning, Learn from Home

5 Tips to Maximize Productivity and Serenity in Your Work-From-Home Space

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Apr 1, 2020 9:19:01 AM

5 Tips to Maximize Productivity and Serenity in Your Work-From-Home Space

Working from home can be an adjustment for the employee who’s used to reporting to an office every day. But productivity doesn’t have to go down just because your routine has changed. In trying times when you need to work from home, stress can be avoided by creating a space that feels like your “office away from office”, in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Here are five tips to help maximize work productivity from home. 

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Topics: Working from Home

Health-Conscious Design and Covid-19

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Mar 31, 2020 2:48:15 PM

Health-Conscious Design and Covid-19

In the midst of a global pandemic, it's more important than ever to avoid the spread of illness. As people continue to practice social distancing, schools and office buildings await their return. Now is the time to think about how to design workspaces and classrooms with health-consciousness as a foundation, so that going forward, everyone is protected. Choosing furniture and office items that are easy to disinfect and antimicrobial will reduce the risk of spreading infection to others, keeping your patients, students, and employees healthy and happy.

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Topics: Insider, Healthcare, Clean Living

The Best Tools to Help Your Team Work Remotely

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Mar 30, 2020 9:15:54 AM

The Best Tools to Help Your Team Work Remotely

All around the world, remote work is the new norm. People all over the globe are sheltering in place to prevent the spread of the #Coronavirus, and companies will require new ways to keep the work going. It has become apparent that the economy of the future will be led by resilient companies whose workforce can collaborate productively from home, or anywhere.

Many industries are enabled to work remotely, soon every industry will have to follow suit, those who resist will get left behind. Even healthcare is rapidly adjusting to the era of the Covid crisis, with the growing need for telehealth.

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Topics: Design

The Multi-Use Tools That are Tackling the Covid Crisis

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Mar 26, 2020 11:36:11 AM

The Multi-Use Tools That are Tackling the Covid Crisis

MooreCo is proud to have been a provider of functional, durable, and antimicrobial furniture and office supplies since 1985. The careful craftsmanship of our items has helped to improve the lives of students in schools, employees in major corporations, and patients and healthcare workers in clinical settings.

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Topics: Healthcare

Creating Spaces that Foster Intellectual Growth

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jan 28, 2020 10:05:01 AM

Whether at Work or School, Design to Activate a Hungry Mind

From antibiotics and the printing press to electric lights and the internet, many of the world’s breakthrough discoveries and inventions share one thing in common: They were the result of curiosity.

Curiosity makes us eager to learn and to solve problems. It’s a special spark that seeks out new knowledge and the desire to learn how things work.

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Topics: Design, Human Development, Thrive

How to Design and Furnish Spaces That Encourage Physical and Mental Well-Being

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jan 22, 2020 1:08:58 PM

If you’ve ever sat at a rigid, fixed desk and chair for any length of time you know how uncomfortable this unforgiving setup can be. Whether a student trying to learn and engage in a classroom, or an employee expected to be productive and creative at work, natural body comfort and alignment is closely tied with how well we feel and perform.

In fact, study after study confirms we know intrinsically that our physical surroundings from the chair we sit in to the air temperature in a room make a difference. Energy levels, the ability to focus, and even rates of absenteeism are all linked to our physical surroundings.

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Topics: Design, Active Learning, Human Development, Thrive

6 Stages of Human Development That Inspire Design Strategies

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jan 14, 2020 8:30:00 AM

6 Stages of Human Development That Inspire Design Strategies

Although the nature of work, school, and how we take care of ourselves is changing, we humans — whether as children or adults — continue to spend a significant amount of time together in a physical place, such as an office building, school, or health facility.

What impact do these spaces have on our engagement and well-being? And how can we create environments that encourage greater interconnection and productivity?

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Topics: Design, Active Learning, Human Development, Active Classroom, Thrive