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Design the Ultimate CTE Culinary Arts Classroom with MooreCo

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Nov 14, 2023 2:41:28 PM

Choose your CTE Path with MooreCo!

Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs give students the tools they need to explore their interests, learn to appreciate their talents, and prepare for brighter futures. The mission of CTE programming is strongly connected to the principles behind MooreCo’s Thrive Philosophy. Our research shows, for students to thrive, learning environments should be designed and equipped to accommodate the six distinctive characteristics of human development.

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Topics: Collaboration, Human Development, Technology, Thrive, generation z, CTE, Experiential Learning, Learning Styles

Career & Technical Education + MooreCo Thrive Philosophy

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Nov 6, 2023 11:38:00 AM

How do CTE Courses Prepare Students for
Successful Careers?

Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs give middle school and high school students the academic knowledge and technical skills needed to enter the competitive workforce or pursue higher education.

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Topics: Collaboration, Human Development, Technology, Thrive, generation z, CTE, Experiential Learning, Learning Styles

Designing Environments for the Physical and Sensory Needs of Gen Z

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 20, 2022 3:08:45 PM

During our Thrive Webinar, we had the chance to speak with Dr. Lisa Harris of Healthworks Ergonomics, who taught us the importance of sensory and physical experiences that Gen Z has in the classroom and the workspace. “People are more often now considering sensory needs to be just as important as physical needs,” Dr. Harris said. “There is a lot that goes into creating an environment that brings out a physical response in your body.” The Akt family of furniture is specifically designed in response to physical and sensory needs that Gen Z is experiencing. Akt Tables reduce contact stress, Akt Chairs promote good posture, and Akt Lounge seating guarantees a cleaner environment, all with the goal of creating sensory-friendly environments that also support physical wellness for Gen Z as they further their education and enter the workforce. 

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Topics: Collaboration, Active Learning, Human Development, Active Classroom, Clean Living, Technology, Well-being, sensory needs

Technology and the Renaissance of Education

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jun 15, 2021 2:39:15 PM

Technology and the Renaissance of Education

A new era of education may be coming for American teachers and students. With ESSER funding now available for schools across the country, each institution and district will assess what is to help students succeed in a post-pandemic world. Unfortunately, learning loss caused by the pandemic may have a ripple effect that lasts years. McKinsey & Company put out findings that state that learning loss from the pandemic disproportionately affects students of color. In order to even the playing field and create equity among students, the learning gap must be closed.

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Technology, Covid-19, Back-to-school, i3sixty, Compass, Well-being

5 Benefits of Esports Spaces in Educational Design

Posted by MooreCo Inc on May 28, 2021 4:52:27 PM

5 Benefits of Esports Spaces in Educational Design

If you’re not sure what esports are, you aren’t alone. But for educators, parents, and designers of educational environments, it’s time to learn. This competitive video gaming is quickly gaining popularity as a form of extracurricular activity for intermediate and higher learning institutions. As the popularity of esports continues to rise, it may become even more significant following the pandemic. There are many benefits to esports in educational environments and this will be particularly important as students begin to reintegrate to in-person learning after a year in partial isolation. So how can esports benefit your school or student? Here are just benefits for your consideration.

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Topics: Case Studies, Design, Active Learning, Active Classroom, Technology, hybrid classroom, Compass, Ergonomics

Two Designers Reveal Their Process for Creating Inspired Classrooms

Posted by MooreCo Inc on May 6, 2021 4:00:17 PM

When Robin Randall and Sylvia Kowalk of Legat Architects begin a project, inspiration abounds.

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Topics: Insider, Design, Human Development, Active Classroom, Designer's Corner, Technology, Back-to-school, Teacher's Favorites, Thrive, Educators

How to Create a Workspace with Direction

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Feb 11, 2021 1:00:00 PM

How to Create a Workspace with Direction

It's estimated that 1 in 4 Americans are currently working from home due to COVID-19. That's nearly 40 million Americans who have grown accustomed to the comfort of their home offices, the trials of videoconferencing, and multitasking home and work responsibilities. But what does this mean for employers who plan to bring them back into the office in the coming year?

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Topics: Collaboration, Human Development, Designer's Corner, Working from Home, Technology, Covid-19, remote, hybrid, Compass

Accessing Mobility in a Remote World

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Feb 2, 2021 2:34:16 PM

Accessing Mobility in a Remote World

Do you sometimes feel like the past year has been a blur? As we come up upon a year of dealing with COVID-19 in the United States, the days can begin to mix together. This "Groundhog’s Day" feeling has been lasting over 10 months now, and even as life begins to return to normal, it may still seem as if progress is slow. At the same time, the world continues to move quickly. Kids are still learning. Companies are still hiring, producing, and flourishing. Some days, it can be challenging to remain productive and hopeful. So how can you gain access to a feeling of movement and change in a world dominated by distance? Here are just a few ways to get moving again.

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Topics: Active Learning, Human Development, Working from Home, Learn from Home, Technology, Covid-19, learning from home, hybrid classroom, remote, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Compass, Well-being

To Move or Not to Move? How Flexible Seating Works for Different Types of Learning

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jan 25, 2021 4:25:00 PM

To Move or Not to Move? How Flexible Seating Works for Different Types of Learning

We know that diversity creates richness in any culture. Whether it’s within organizations, nations, or classrooms, including members and citizens from different backgrounds increases understanding, compassion, and acceptance. At our Thrive Together: Creating the Classrooms of Tomorrow fall webinar, our guest speakers spent a lot of time talking about how to create equity and inclusion in schools. But this doesn’t just apply to race, religion, or gender. It also applies to learning abilities. How each student learns is an important component to how they will succeed. For some, active learning may be the key to unlocking success in school where traditional models have failed. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of flexible seating and active learning for including all students and promoting self-confidence and academic achievement.

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Topics: Color, Active Learning, Active Classroom, Technology, Back-to-school, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Ergonomics, Educators

10 Lessons from 2020 That We'll Need in 2021

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Dec 31, 2020 10:00:00 AM

10 Lessons from 2020 That We'll Need in 2021 

As the year comes to a close, we reflect on all that happened in 2020.  With the pandemic came changes to how we learn, work, and socialize. When COVID-19 came to the U.S., MooreCo got to work to quickly provide solutions for students to keep learning and workers to keep producing. We hosted our first webinar in June and our second in October, featuring panelists in the fields of medicine, design, and education. We closely followed the trajectory of the virus and how it was affecting the back-to-school season. We learned a lot in 2020 about COVID-19, about remote learning and working, and about how to thrive in a pandemic and we want to share our findings with you. Here are the top 10 lesson from 2020 that we’re sure to need in 2021.

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Topics: Insider, Active Learning, Human Development, Healthcare, Working from Home, Technology, Covid-19, Back-to-school, hybrid classroom, remote, hybrid, i3sixty, quick ship, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Expert Analysis