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Design the Ultimate CTE Cosmetology Classroom with MooreCo

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Nov 28, 2023 12:01:42 PM

Choose your CTE Path with MooreCo!

Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs give students the tools they need to explore their interests, learn to appreciate their talents, and prepare for brighter futures. The mission of CTE programming is strongly connected to the principles behind MooreCo’s Thrive Philosophy. Our research shows, for students to thrive, learning environments should be designed and equipped to accommodate the six distinctive characteristics of human development.

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Topics: Collaboration, Human Development, Technology, Thrive, generation z, CTE, Experiential Learning, Learning Styles

Meet Inklüd. Cultivate Inclusivity and Encourage Autonomy with New Family of Multi-Use Tables

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Nov 17, 2023 12:30:00 PM


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Topics: Collaboration, Active Learning, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Higher Education, Learning Styles

Design the Ultimate CTE Culinary Arts Classroom with MooreCo

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Nov 14, 2023 2:41:28 PM

Choose your CTE Path with MooreCo!

Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs give students the tools they need to explore their interests, learn to appreciate their talents, and prepare for brighter futures. The mission of CTE programming is strongly connected to the principles behind MooreCo’s Thrive Philosophy. Our research shows, for students to thrive, learning environments should be designed and equipped to accommodate the six distinctive characteristics of human development.

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Topics: Collaboration, Human Development, Technology, Thrive, generation z, CTE, Experiential Learning, Learning Styles

Meet the Developmental Needs of Students in a High School Media Center

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Nov 10, 2023 2:30:00 PM

In order to thrive, students should have all intellectual, physical, psychological, moral, spiritual, and social-emotion needs met. Have a positive impact on the health and happiness of your students by outfitting media spaces with intentional, thoughtful, and inclusive furniture.

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Topics: Color, Collaboration, Design, Active Learning, Human Development, Compass, Thrive, Experiential Learning, Media Centers

Career & Technical Education + MooreCo Thrive Philosophy

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Nov 6, 2023 11:38:00 AM

How do CTE Courses Prepare Students for
Successful Careers?

Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs give middle school and high school students the academic knowledge and technical skills needed to enter the competitive workforce or pursue higher education.

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Topics: Collaboration, Human Development, Technology, Thrive, generation z, CTE, Experiential Learning, Learning Styles

Meet the Developmental Needs of Students in a Middle School Media Center

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 26, 2023 12:49:25 PM

In order to thrive, students should have all intellectual, physical, psychological, moral, spiritual, and social-emotion needs met. Have a positive impact on the health and happiness of your students by outfitting media spaces with intentional, thoughtful, and inclusive furniture.

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Topics: Color, Collaboration, Design, Active Learning, Human Development, Compass, Thrive, Experiential Learning, Media Centers

Meet the Developmental Needs of Students in an Elementary School Media Center

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Aug 21, 2023 11:00:49 AM

In order to thrive, students should have all intellectual, physical, psychological, moral, spiritual, and social-emotion needs met. Have a positive impact on the health and happiness of your students by outfitting media spaces with intentional, thoughtful, and inclusive furniture.

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Topics: Color, Collaboration, Design, Active Learning, Human Development, Compass, Thrive, Experiential Learning, Media Centers

5 Things Gen Z Values That Should Drive Classroom and Workplace Design in 2023

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jan 20, 2023 2:04:40 PM

From a flexible environment that allows them to shape their own workspace, to immersing themselves in communities that reflect who they are, Generation Z is revolutionizing the way we construct educational and professional spaces. Gen Z is a generation that deeply cares, and they want the places where they learn and work to share those same values. They deserve ergonomic furniture that assists in curating those environments.  

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Active Classroom, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, generation z, CTE

How to Incorporate CTE and Experiential Learning into Educational and Professional Workspaces

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Oct 10, 2022 3:50:56 PM

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is not a new concept, but it has yet to be widely explored in all career fields and realms. The process of experiential learning, or learning by doing, is prevalent in medical programs, artistic endeavors, and internships, to name a few, better equipping Gen Z students to embark on the career path they are seeking. MooreCo is ready to prioritize CTE and design spaces that are well-equipped for experiential learning. When CTE environments are designed with Compass Makerspace Tables and Compass Cabinets at the helm, Gen Z students have ample room to keep all necessary tools nearby as they explore group and individual projects. Compass Cabinets and Makerspace Tables inspire Gen Z students to think bigger, get their hands dirty, and create something new.  

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Human Development, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, MooreCo Workplace, Compass, Higher Education, CTE, Experiential Learning

Active. Kinetic. Tectonic. What does our Akt philosophy mean for Gen Z and how we design?

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 28, 2022 1:20:36 PM

Akt by MooreCo is a family of tables, chairs and soft seating designed for Gen Z. We designed Akt with intention of creating pieces that are active, kinetic, and tectonic, key ingredients that Gen Z needs in order to thrive. Akt was designed to morph, reinvent, and transform itself allowing users to feel they are in control while they move in, through and with the space they are in. Conceived under our Thrive philosophy, which focuses on the six key facets of human development from adolescence and into the workforce, the Akt collection puts the spotlight on soft seating and surfaces that are active, kinetic, and tectonic.

Akt: Active. Kinetic. Tectonic

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Active Classroom, MooreCo Workplace, Thrive, Akt, Educators