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How to Accommodate the 10 Styles of Learning in the Classroom

Posted by MooreCo Inc on May 3, 2023 1:57:42 PM

To Thrive is to have all basic needs meant, making happiness and success attainable. If you work in education, you need to understand how unique each student is and how their strengths and weaknesses vary. Every student has their own way of learning and remembering information. We call these learning styles.

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Topics: Back-to-school, Thrive, Learning Styles, Educators

There's Still Time to Use ESSER Funds in 2024

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Apr 5, 2023 1:16:27 PM

MooreCo Inc. was the first manufacturer to address school districts' uncertainty on navigating the emergency relief funds by creating the first comprehensive guide on ESSER Funds (See our 2024 updated guide).  Below we provide you with a refresher on all things ESSER and how furniture purchases can be justified under the ESSER program.

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Topics: Covid-19, Back-to-school, learning from home, hybrid classroom, remote, Thrive, Educators

How to Build Career and Technical Education (CTE) Environments with Compass Makerspace Furniture

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Mar 7, 2023 8:56:16 AM

What is CTE?  

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a specialized form of education that provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to pursue a career. CTE programs are offered at the high school, college, and adult levels and focus on specific career paths, such as business and finance, healthcare, engineering, manufacturing, information technology, hospitality and tourism, and many more. They are designed to prepare students for the workforce and provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their chosen career.  

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Topics: Compass, Higher Education, CTE, Experiential Learning

How to Clean Dry Erase White Boards and Glass Boards

Posted by Alfonso Moreno on Feb 23, 2023 12:02:22 PM

White boards and glass boards are popular communication tools in active classrooms, but they can become difficult to read and use when covered in permanent marks and stains. Even regular dry-erase markers can leave stubborn stains if left on the board for too long (looking at you, red marker). Let's explore how to keep your porcelain steel dry erase white boards and glass boards looking like new with these easy cleaning tips.

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Topics: visual communications, whiteboard, Educators

Designing Inclusive, Calming, and Colorful Classroom Spaces for Special Education Students

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Feb 6, 2023 3:39:00 PM

Designing Inclusive, Calming, and Colorful Classroom Spaces for Special Education Students

MooreCo specializes in creating educational and professional environments that are suited to every learning style and background, empowering all students and workers to thrive. No student group is more diverse than special education students. With a variety of physical and sensory needs and experiences, special education students deserve to learn within a classroom that fully accommodates them. Per the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) of 1990, special education students are legally entitled to a “free and appropriate education” in the “least restrictive environment,” one that allows them to move, create, absorb information, and thrive in the learning process. MooreCo is committed to developing these special education spaces so that students with various learning abilities have the same access to a safe and welcoming classroom environment. Giving special education students the freedom to move and create in a sound-sensitive classroom with easy access to the outdoors, surrounded by faculty who are knowledgeable and prepared is the ultimate goal.  

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Topics: Color, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, sensory needs, Special Education, Educators

5 Things Gen Z Values That Should Drive Classroom and Workplace Design in 2023

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jan 20, 2023 2:04:40 PM

From a flexible environment that allows them to shape their own workspace, to immersing themselves in communities that reflect who they are, Generation Z is revolutionizing the way we construct educational and professional spaces. Gen Z is a generation that deeply cares, and they want the places where they learn and work to share those same values. They deserve ergonomic furniture that assists in curating those environments.  

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Active Classroom, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, generation z, CTE

How to Build Career and Technical Education (CTE) Environments with Akt Soft Seating and Tables

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jan 13, 2023 1:32:59 PM

What is CTE?  

Career and Technical Education (CTE) refers to the process of experiential learning, a practice that allows students to test-drive future career paths through real-world experience before or while pursuing higher education. Traditional learning methods encourage reading, research, and gathering information on a subject before entering the field, while CTE environments emphasize learning by doing, gaining experience on the job, and strengthening technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to become a lifelong learner. CTE prepares learners for workplace competence by making academic content accessible within a hands-on environment.  

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Topics: Akt, CTE, Experiential Learning

How Our New Elate Furniture Elevates the Classroom, Office, and Work from Home Spaces

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Oct 14, 2022 12:28:19 PM

How Our New Elate Furniture Elevates the Classroom, Office, and Work from Home Spaces

Elate is our newest practical, dynamic line of furniture that is fit to inspire any professional or educational environment. Gen Z-ers are positioned to thrive by taking advantage of the furniture’s sleek, modern lines, comfort, adjustability, and intentional design. Outfitting higher education classrooms with Elate furniture elevates Gen Z’s learning experience, while placing Elate in the workplace can make them feel important with a designated space, all with the goal of uniqueness, functionality, and encouraging innovation. Just as our Thrive line grows with the user, our Elate line can help higher education students make the transition from college to the workplace with ease. The main priority of the Elate line is to equip Gen Z students and those in the workforce with the tools they need to thrive.  

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How to Incorporate CTE and Experiential Learning into Educational and Professional Workspaces

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Oct 10, 2022 3:50:56 PM

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is not a new concept, but it has yet to be widely explored in all career fields and realms. The process of experiential learning, or learning by doing, is prevalent in medical programs, artistic endeavors, and internships, to name a few, better equipping Gen Z students to embark on the career path they are seeking. MooreCo is ready to prioritize CTE and design spaces that are well-equipped for experiential learning. When CTE environments are designed with Compass Makerspace Tables and Compass Cabinets at the helm, Gen Z students have ample room to keep all necessary tools nearby as they explore group and individual projects. Compass Cabinets and Makerspace Tables inspire Gen Z students to think bigger, get their hands dirty, and create something new.  

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Human Development, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, MooreCo Workplace, Compass, Higher Education, CTE, Experiential Learning

Active. Kinetic. Tectonic. What does our Akt philosophy mean for Gen Z and how we design?

Posted by MooreCo Inc on Sep 28, 2022 1:20:36 PM

Akt by MooreCo is a family of tables, chairs and soft seating designed for Gen Z. We designed Akt with intention of creating pieces that are active, kinetic, and tectonic, key ingredients that Gen Z needs in order to thrive. Akt was designed to morph, reinvent, and transform itself allowing users to feel they are in control while they move in, through and with the space they are in. Conceived under our Thrive philosophy, which focuses on the six key facets of human development from adolescence and into the workforce, the Akt collection puts the spotlight on soft seating and surfaces that are active, kinetic, and tectonic.

Akt: Active. Kinetic. Tectonic

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Topics: Collaboration, Design, Active Classroom, MooreCo Workplace, Thrive, Akt, Educators