Topics: Insider, Collaboration, Human Development, Designer's Corner, hybrid classroom, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Expert Analysis, New Products, Ergonomics, Thrive, Higher Education
A Note of Gratitude for 2021 from MooreCo CEO Greg Moore
Posted by MooreCo Inc on Dec 7, 2021 3:59:18 PM
Topics: Case Studies, Active Classroom, MooreCo Workplace, Well-being, holiday
4 Big Reasons to Be Thankful
Gratitude isn’t just a feeling, it’s a practice. Research shows that practicing gratitude can improve mental health and quality of life, as well as contribute to overall happiness. As we come to the end of an unprecedented two year period and prepare for the holidays, we reflect on all there is to be grateful for.
Read MoreWhat Does it Mean to Thrive?
At MooreCo, we’re big on thriving. Our Thrive Philosophy came about in 2019, to focus on designing spaces that encourage physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social-emotional, and moral development. Even as there were opportunities to help students thrive then, the pandemic made that need even more dire. The past year has taken a toll on students, teachers, and parents in ways that will take time to recover. With the help of ESSER funds allocated to schools to help with this recovery, our hope is that schools and students will have access to the resources and spaces they need to truly thrive.
Read MoreTopics: Collaboration, Design, Active Learning, Active Classroom, Covid-19, learning from home, Teacher's Favorites, Thrive, Educators
Why We Need a 5th “C” This School Year
At MooreCo, we are fans of holistic design when it comes to educational environments. This means we make a conscious effort to consider human development and health when creating our products. In 2019, we featured an article on the “4 C’s” of learning, based on the idea that classroom design can foster active learning and improve retention of knowledge. The four C's of learning are: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity. Through study and learning from experts, we’ve discovered over the years that providing an environment where students feel empowered to choose the micro-environment that fits their individual learning can put students in a position to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.
Read MoreTopics: Active Learning, Designer's Corner, Covid-19, Back-to-school, hybrid classroom, Compass, Teacher's Favorites, Thrive
Educational Experts Predict the New Learning Landscape
Posted by MooreCo Inc on Jul 23, 2021 11:13:03 AM
Topics: Active Learning, Active Classroom, Designer's Corner, Covid-19, hybrid classroom, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Compass, Teacher's Favorites, Educators
The Four Corners of Harmonious Classroom Design
“To slow time down, practice enjoying the moment. It is where we spend our entire lives.” This wisdom from the I Ching describes an ideal way to live by slowing down. In the digital age, however, it’s getting more and more difficult to take this sage advice. Because of the pandemic, we are even more devoted to time spent on our devices, staring at screens with fast-paced minds. Among students, this trend has had some negative consequences. Adolescents and young adults (known as Gen Z) are struggling with mental health more than previous generations. When students return to school this fall, it will be important to consider their mental, physical, and emotional health. But educators, parents, and school designers would be remiss to discount the benefits of considering students’ spiritual development when creating spaces and schedules for student health. This doesn’t mean subscribing to a certain system of belief. It can be as simple as integrating space for silence, breathing, and reflection.
Read MoreTopics: Design, Human Development, Active Classroom, Designer's Corner, Clean Living, Expert Analysis, New Products, Well-being, Thrive, Educators
Technology and the Renaissance of Education
A new era of education may be coming for American teachers and students. With ESSER funding now available for schools across the country, each institution and district will assess what is to help students succeed in a post-pandemic world. Unfortunately, learning loss caused by the pandemic may have a ripple effect that lasts years. McKinsey & Company put out findings that state that learning loss from the pandemic disproportionately affects students of color. In order to even the playing field and create equity among students, the learning gap must be closed.
Read MoreTopics: Collaboration, Design, Technology, Covid-19, Back-to-school, i3sixty, Compass, Well-being
Why Every School Needs to Prioritize SEL
As students wrap up an unprecedented school year, many families are beginning to reflect on their experience with hybrid, online, or in-person learning during a pandemic. It hasn’t been without its challenges. In fact, learning loss is projected to be a huge problem in coming years for k-12 students. But as COVID-19 positivity continues to decline, students can likely rely on the idea that they will be learning in person this fall. What that means for schools and educators is that time and energy will be needed to help students catch up to make up for time lost this year due to problems with virtual learning. A reported 15 million American students were without access to the tools needed to learn online, leaving many behind in already existing learning gaps. This is why the federal government has allocated ESSER funds for schools to spend. This money is meant to be used to help students recuperate academically and mentally from the effects of the pandemic. Mental health services within schools will be needed, as well as an increased emphasis on social-emotional learning, or SEL.
Read MoreTopics: Insider, Collaboration, Design, Active Learning, Human Development, Back-to-school, Teacher's Favorites, Thrive, Educators